Changes at MAK in 2019-2020: Comings and Goings (Part 3 of 3)

As is the case every year, the MAK community says goodbye to familiar faces and hello to new ones.

如同每年,MAK 歡送熟悉面孔,並迎接新面孔。

Goodbyes 珍重再見

Ms. Carly CherryCarly Cherry : HS Math and Science Teacher

Ms. Cherry will finish her first year at MAK and head back to the United States. Ms. Cherry took on a big challenge for her first year of teaching, teaching overseas at a rigorous international school. More than that she taught quite a variety of courses: biology, chemistry, Bible, Foundations of Algebra, and a photography elective – and was an assistant coach for soccer! We are thankful she came and wish her the best as she continues her teaching career.

Cherry 老師將在她第一年結束後回美國。Cherry 老師在她的第一年接受了一項大挑戰,遠渡重洋到嚴格的國際學校教書。除此之外,她教了許多不同的課:生物、物理、聖經、基礎代數和攝影,甚至還擔任足球隊的助理教練。我們很感謝她來 MAK,並祝福她在未來教書生涯一切順利。

Mrs. Martha D’Brass and Mr. Peter D’BrassPeter D’Brass : Learning DiagnosticianMartha D’Brass : First Grade Teacher

Mr. and Mrs. D’Brass headed back to Texas this April to be near family as Mr. D’Brass continues his treatment for cancer. Much has been said about Mrs. D’Brass already: she has been a wonderful teacher, colleague, and friend. After four years at MAK, Mrs. D’Brass was able to have a wonderful impact on many of our current elementary students. Mr. D’Brass taught at MAK for one year before becoming Morrison’s Learning Needs Diagnostician. Conducting hours and hours of testing behind the scenes, Mr. D’Brass was able to help lots of Morrison kids and families during his years on the job.

D’Brass 先生和老師在四月已回德州,好讓D’Brass 先生持續化療的過程中,能與家人在一起。大家都認識D’Brass 老師了:她是個很棒的老師、同事、和朋友。在 MAK 任教四年後,D’Brass 老師在我們許多國小學生身上,留下許多美好的影響。D’Brass 先生在擔任馬禮遜系統特教診斷師前,在 MAK 任教了一年。在背後付出許多的時間, D’Brass 先生在他的崗位上,幫助了許多馬禮遜的孩子和家庭。

Mrs. WestRachel West : Third Grade Teacher and ES Team Leader

Mrs. West just finished her fourth year at MAK, teaching third grade and serving as our Elementary Team Leader. Mrs. West will not be leaving the MAK community, but she is taking a break from teaching so that she can care for the West’s newborn daughter. Mrs. West is full of passion, creativity, and commitment to making MAK the best school it can be. We are glad her departure from our staff is not permanent, and we’re looking forward to the day she’s back on staff.

West 老師在 MAK 已四年,不僅教三年級,也擔任國小主任。West 老師沒有要離開 MAK 這個家庭,只是想休息一陣子,好在家照顧剛出生沒多久的女兒。West 老師充滿熱誠、創造力,和承諾,並致力讓 MAK 成為最好的學校。我們很慶幸她只是暫時休息,走更長的路,並期待她回校續教那天。

Ms. BrabonMelissa Brabon : HS Spanish and Bible Teacher

Ms. Brabon has been at MAK for six years and leaves quite a legacy. Ms. Brabon came just as MAK’s high school was starting, and she has been instrumental in developing our Spanish and Bible programs. Not only that, but Ms. Brabon has played a major role in student life, beginning and carrying out our school’s House Program and serving as our highschool’s Impact Program Coordinator. Ms. Brabon is and always has been brimming with great ideas, and she is part of MAK high school’s DNA. We are so sad to see her go!

Brabon 老師已在 MAK 任教六年,且已留下難忘的痕跡。Brabon 老師在 MAK 高中部草創期開始,且在聖經及西班牙文課成的發展,有極大幫助。不只這樣,Brabon 老師在學生生活中,也扮演了極重要的角色。她發起並實行我們的學院制度,且在高中戶外教學(Impact Program) 擔任統籌。Brabon 老師總是充滿很棒的主意,且已成為 MAK 高中部 DNA 的一部分。我們很不捨地送別她。

Mr. Torgerson and Mrs. TorgersonKim Torgerson : Health CoordinatorJoe Torgerson : Campus Principal

After eight years at MAK, my wife and I will be heading to Chicago to pursue advanced degrees both in biblical studies (Mr. Torgerson) and nursing (Mrs. Torgerson). MAK has been our home, and leaving this wonderful community will truly be bittersweet. However, MAK is in great hands with Mrs. Heinsman at the helm, and we are excited to hear about what God has in store for this amazing school!

在為 MAK 服務八年後,我和我的太太要回芝加哥去念更高學歷。我要上神學院,我太太要念護理。MAK 一直是我們的家,所以離開這個美好的社區,真是苦樂參半。但是,MAK 將在 Heinsman 女士手中有好的掌舵,而我們也很興奮知道上帝將在學校做的事工。


Hellos  歡迎加入團隊

Mrs. Julie Heinsman

Mrs. Heinsman will be MAK’s new principal new school year. She has worked at Morrison for 18 years in Taichung as a teacher,  a high school counselor, and a coach. Mrs. Heinsman currently serves as the Director of Advancement, the Director of Boarding Services, and the Principal of Morrison’s new Chia-Yi campus. She has a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Concordia University, Portland. She and her husband, Ron, have two children and two grandchildren.

韓茱莉女士將在新學年度擔任 MAK 新校長。她已在馬禮遜工作了 18 年,當老師、高中輔導員、和教練。韓茱莉女士目前擔任學校發展部主任、學生宿舍總監、及嘉義校區的校長。她從美國 Concordia 大學取得教育領導的教育碩士學位。她和她先生 Ron,有兩個孩子和兩個孫子。

Mr. David Lee

Mr. Lee is coming to MAK from Toronto, where he has been teaching for seven years. He currently teaches second grade. Mr. Lee and his wife, Kristen, have two young children. Next year he will be teaching third grade.

李老師將從已任教七年的加拿大多倫多來 MAK。他目前教二年級。李老師跟他老婆 Kristen 有兩個幼子。下學年度他將來教三年級。

Mrs. Meir Beja

Mrs. Beja currently teaches in the Philippines and has been teaching for 18 years. She has a degree in biology from St. Scholastica’s College. In addition to science, Mrs. Beja has taught MYB Design in her school’s IB program. She will be teaching biology, chemistry, and AP Biology at MAK next year. She and her husband, Eric, have three girls.

Beja 老師在菲律賓任教已 18 年了。她從 St. Scholastica 大學修得生物學位。除了自然科學以外,她還在她目前任教學校裡教 IB 課的分子植物育種。她將在 MAK 教生物、化學、和 AP 生物課。她和她先生 Eric,共有三個女兒。

Mr. Nelson Perez

Mr. Perez joins MAK from ICS Hong Kong, where he currently teaches Bible and Spanish. Some of our high school students have already gotten to know Mr. Perez from their recent Vida Conference in Hong Kong. Mr. Perez and his wife, Veronica, have two kids. Next year he will be teaching Spanish and Bible.

Perez 先生從香港的國際學校 ICS 來加入 MAK。在 ICS 他教聖經與西班牙文。我們有些高中生,已透過最近在香港舉辦的 Vida 會議中與他認識。Perez 先生和他太太 Veronica 有兩個小孩。明年他將來教西班牙文和聖經。

Mrs. Deyla Owen

Mrs. Owen will join the MAK staff next year to teach part-time in grade four with Mrs. Fusca. Mrs. Owen has several years of international school teaching experience in Thailand, and this year she has served as a long-term sub during Mrs. Lapiana’s maternity leave. Next year, Mrs. Owen will be teaching 4th grade Bible and math. Many of you know Mrs. Owen from our MAK Cafe this year, and we are excited to have her on board in a more official capacity.

Owen 老師將在新學年度在 MAK ,與 Fusca 老師合作,兼職教四年級。Owen 老師在泰國的國際學校有多年的教學經驗。今年,她幫請產假的 Lapiana 老師長期代課。許多人在今年的 MAK Cafe 早餐店已認識 Owen 老師,我們也很興奮她將正式加入教職員團隊。

Mr. Jim Andrews

Many of you know Mr. Andrews as the wife of Mrs. Liu and the father of James and Joshua. He has also been one of our elementary soccer coaches. Next year, Mr. Andrews will be working part-time in the LRC. Mr. Andrews is passionate about learning and is highly committed to student character growth!

許多人已認識劉老師的先生 Andrews 老師,也就是 James 跟 Joshua 的父親。他一直是國小足球教練之一。新學年度,Andrews 老師將在教育資源室 (LRC) 兼職。Andrews 老師對學習很有熱誠,也積極致力於學生品格的發展。