Why Make? MAK’s 2018 Annual Fund 為什麼我們要動手做?MAK2018年度募款

This month I attended a conference in Hong Kong that aligned well with our Annual Fund goal of developing a Creation Lab – a ‘maker space’ that will allow students to put their learning into action. Part of the conference was a tour of international schools in Hong Kong who are current leaders in connecting learning with doing, all with some form of maker space.


If at this point you’re wondering what a maker space is, watch this! And then imagine the learning potential if some of the projects in the video were connected with classroom learning at MAK.


On my Hong Kong tour I was able to spend a good deal of time with students, from grade 3 to grade 11, who were working on projects designed to challenge their book knowledge through real application. One third grader was testing out a water compass he was learning about in social studies and Mandarin class. He and I discussed how it worked and why it might be useful. At another school I sat with a 10th grader who was directly applying concepts from geometry to construct an octagonal, curved roof that would precisely fit on an octagonal room of a pagoda she had designed and cut using a laser cutter. She had clearly moved past the question of Is geometry useful? to How can I apply what I’ve learned in geometry to the world? It was brilliant.


This is the kind of thing I would love to see more of with our students at MAK, and our Annual Fund this year can help get us there through the development of a Creation Lab and a Modern Media classroom.


Effectively developing these areas requires some thinking, some building, and some funding (which is where our MAK community comes in!). As our annual fund is just getting underway, I’d like to let you in on some of the thinking behind our goals, driven by questions developed by an expert in maker-based learning.


Why do we think this is a good use of time and money?  為什麼我們認為這樣做是善用時間與金錢的舉動?

As I’ve argued here, risk-taking, collaboration, and creation are foundational to real learning. These skills are increasingly relevant in the world today. Creativity is paramount. Moreover, when students and parents alike can see the purpose and value of what they are learning through application, it makes the learning ‘stick.’ Finally, seeing and being involved in application leads to more questions – and questions are foundational to lifelong learning.


What will happen in the space?  在創客空間中會發生什麼?

This summer we plan to move our current weight room to a new structure, funded by Morrison, adjacent to the outdoor basketball courts. After this, our plan is to use our Annual Fund to (a) develop the current weight room into a full-fledged Creation Lab by filling it with tools and (b) spruce up our current computer lab to a Modern Media classroom, focusing exclusively on media production. The Modern Media classroom will be a home for tech-focused exploratories and electives like Media, Shark Show, Photoshop 101, Graphic Design, and any classroom projects that require media (like CSPAN in grade 8 English). The Creation Lab will focus on design and construction courses like Robotics, Programming, and 3-D Printing, along with other school projects that require sophisticated construction (such as the Rube Goldberg project in biology).

今年夏天,我們計劃將我們現有的健身房挪到一座由馬禮遜出資,鄰近戶外籃球場的新建築物中。之後,我們打算要使用我們年度捐款,將現有的健身房空間來發展成為一座完全成熟的創作實驗室,裡面有著許多各式各樣的工具;以及,將現有的電腦實驗室升級為現代化媒體教室,只專注於媒體製作上。現代化媒體教室將會成為聚焦於科技領域的探索課程和選修課程的基地,像是媒體、Shark Show、Photoshop 101、圖片設計以及任何需要以媒體進行的課室計畫(例如八年級的CSPAN課程)。創作實驗室將會專注在設計與結構課程,舉凡機器人、程式設計、3D列印,和其他需要複雜結構的學校計畫(像是生物學界的魯布戈登堡[1]一樣)。

Why do we need a Maker Space? Why not just use classrooms?  為什麼我們需要創客空間?難道不能用一般的教室就好嗎?

Having a centralized space for high-tech tools allows access for more students, and it also allows for increased sophistication in projects. In a maker space, students can use a variety of tools to create a project, from wood to 3-D printed objects. Imagine the potential of Rube Goldberg projects with loads more resources. The space is also ideal for our current elective courses in robotics and programming. In elementary, however, maker-type projects might be better suited to take place nearer the classrooms. Discussions for how to best use elementary hallway space for creative projects are currently underway.


What’s good in our school that we want to improve?   我們希望改善之處對於學校有什麼益處?

In the last few years our teachers have been taking further steps to connect knowing and doing. Our elementary teachers already pursue a plethora of hands-on activities to reinforce academic concepts. Our middle school exploratory courses now focus on risk-taking, creation, and collaboration. Our middle school and high school has a robust media program with projects like these – which would greatly benefit from a media ‘lab.’ Courses in our new high school elective period push students to explore areas of personal interest. Next year we plan to add a Senior Capstone Course in which senior students spend from one semester to a full year planning, developing, and creating a project, with the help of a mentor, that aligns with their personal passions and interests. Imagine the potential a Creation Lab or Modern Media classroom might offer to an advanced Senior Capstone project. We are ready for the next step!


What does success look like?   如果成功了,會是什麼景況?

Ultimately, our goal is culture transformation. First, I hope the space is inspiring and awakes in some kids a genuine passion for learning. Second, I hope the space helps students make connections, prompting mental wheels to turn in geometry or biology or physics or English as students start to wonder How could I make this? or What would happen if I actually tried that? Third, my hope is that the space enables our students to understand the process of creative thinking. Making something worth making is a process that demands ideas and recovery from failure. If our graduates can independently work through failure to come up with creative solutions, we’ve done something right as a school that will allow students have have genuine impact on the world.


What are the values and expectations that are driving this?   做這些事情的價與期望是什麼?

This is right up our alley at MAK. If you’ve been to our MPR, you’ve seen our big banners in the back: Take Risks! Collaborate! Ask Questions! Seek the Truth! Be Responsible! Show Respect! Each of these goals can be fulfilled through the vibrant, curious, and creative culture that can grow out of a maker space.


[1] 魯布戈登堡為美國一著名漫畫家,畫風獨特,常將日常生活中簡易的事物以複雜的機械原理呈現處理事務的過程。詳細資料請見這裡

[2] Capstone Course中譯名為「總整課程」,詳細說明請參考下列網站說明。

評鑑雙月刊 http://epaper.heeact.edu.tw/archive/2014/05/01/6152.aspx


Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfTOvfKfhG4